Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Mom and I spent the afternoon "fluffing" our booth yesterday while Mr. 58 babysat for us.  Despite the 103 degree August afternoon, we stayed cool inside and had a sweet  couple of hours together.  We always have such a great time rearranging our goodies, chatting with other vendors, and also meeting strolling customers. 
Yesterday, we dubbed Nancy of Ella Elaine, our "Booth Fairy" as she confessed to frequently "fluffing" for us when our booth needs some help.  Thanks, Nancy.  (Here is a recent post where she showed off some of our treasures.)  Nancy has such a touch.  Her booths are always gorgeous... here are a few of the treats we spotted that made us smile....
Was fun to meet Cindy of  Yapping Cat Studio and some of her other Paper Cow Girl Blog Girlfriends. Always great to see girlfriends on a roadtrip laughing and soaking up time together.  Nice meeting you gals! 


  1. We really enjoyed our time at your mall yesterday. I look forward to another road trip in McKinney soon. Love the mall and the gracious dealers we met yesterday. Thank y'all for a great time! ~ Angela

  2. Why thanks for the sweet words. I am happy you joined blogland!!

  3. I discovered you via Lisa (Tarnished and Tattered) and Ella Elaine's this afternooon...your blog and your booth are just darling! I'll be sure to pop in and visit next time I'm up that way.


  4. Woo Hoo, so glad you have a blog. I'm headed to McKinney tomorrow for more restocking. Love your booth too BTW, Theresa
