Wednesday, January 5, 2011

It Just Takes Time

Early morning is the best time to hit the streets in search of yard sale signs. My husband is the morning person, so he laughs when I actually get up before him and put the coffee on. By 7:15 we are in the truck searching for the elusive sign.... huge sale, estate sale, garage sale, yard sale....

Found a wonderful crate of clocks at a yard sale recently...just as the man was unloading them. A whole box of ancient kitchen clocks in shades of green, red and cream. You never know what you will find. This week I cleaned up a few and put them in the booth to add a splash of color to my Valentine's display.

Climbing in and out of the truck, driving up and down the streets, loading and rearranging treasures, it all just takes time and perseverance. And some days it all pays off. Other days we come up empty handed and head to Sonic for breakfast burritos, knowing that next weekend the hunt probably will be better.


  1. Those are some really cute vintage clocks! I love the idea of hunting down vintage treasures for a living. Maybe someday. Mmmm- now you've got me craving Sonic!

  2. I can't believe this is you! I bought all your red clocks this weekend. I did not know this was your booth. I LOVE THEM! I guess I will have to check back soon to see when the others are in. Thanks!

  3. Well, I'm 1,000s of miles from you, but I'm 2 booths ahead of you...LOL! I'm booth 56 in our local Antique Mall. I love the clocks you found!! Wish I had the green ones!! I do the same thing...get up really early for yard sales. Enjoyed your blog! Best, Vicki

  4. Love the clocks. Mr. Sweetie and I also hit the streets in the search of yard sales. Please visit my blog I live in McKinney in the Historic District. Karla
