Sunday, October 24, 2010

Scare on the Square

Mark you calendars for Friday, October 29th, 4-6 pm. Each year historic downtown McKinney hosts "Scare on the Square", a safe time for young children to dress up and visit the shopkeepers for treats. The streets are closed and the children can parade around town, collecting as many goodies as they can carry. In the past I have made the circuit accompanied by my own cowboys,a monkey, Mickey Mouse, several delightful fairies, a ballerina, and Buzz Lightyear. This year you will find me with a different crew ages 5,4,3,2, and new. We start out at 4 o'clock because it gets very crowded, very quickly. It is a delightful time to enjoy the streets of downtown with your own little goblins...or just come along and enjoy mine! Antique Company Mall will probably be open late that night..stop in and say hi.

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