Saturday, April 23, 2011

You Can't Keep It All

When Mr. 58 and I are shopping for the booth, we have a lot of things to consider. Will it compliment the look of the booth? Is it too big to fit in the booth? Can we get it at a good price? Will customers like it? Will it sell?

However, now and then we come across an item I really like and want to take home. It might work in the booth but I want it for the house. Mr. 58 sometimes has to remind me that I can't keep it all. We do however bend the rules somewhat when it comes to ironstone pitchers....

and brown transfer ware. I love both and have a hard time putting them in the booth. Much of the ironstone does make its way to the booth. Wish I could say the same for the brown dishes. This brown transfer ware bowl was quite unusual with a mother stirring a pot of soup as a little boy watches.

So now you know NOT to come to Booth 58 looking for brown transfer ware. It's probably at home where I can enjoy it every day.

Easter blessings to you and yours from all of us at Booth 58!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I LOVE the look of your booth so I know I would also love your home!! Maybe I'll pick up an ironstone pitcher to go with my new/old silver that I got from you!

    Have a blessed Easter!

    Big TX Hugs,
    Angelic Accents
