Monday, May 23, 2011

School's (almost) Out for the Summer!

Well, the official countdown is on now.... 8 DAYS UNTIL SCHOOL IS OUT!!!  Kindergarten is almost "history" to Big Brother.  It has been a great year for him.  He has learned so much.  One of his favorites has been his art class. 

One day while rearranging our booth, I recognized my son's art teacher...... Justin Preston.  I introduced myself as one of his students' moms and then I found out he too is an ACM vendor.  We have admired his repurposed mason jar lamps for some time and now we know the guy behind the magic.   Truly art! Not your oridnary artist... this guy can also corral a classroom full of 5 year olds - with paint brushes!  He deserves awards!  Stop by the glass cases to see Justin's work.  Great for Father's Day gifts.
(photo's from Justin's website - go checkout his art gallery!)
Hats off to all you teachers out there!  You have created art in your classrooms all year long....   Hardest job in the world!  Happy Summer.

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