Monday, July 25, 2011

Paper airplanes ... Just for little boys?

Been to Booth 58 lately? Check out our travel theme. Mr. 58 helped us make a string of paper airplanes... made out of road maps. See 'em hanging from the ceiling?

A gentleman was shopping when we were hanging them. He warned us that the planes would be awfullly tempting to any little boys coming through the mall. Then he admitted that they were even tempting to him..... a grown-up little boy. We'll see how long they last! They may have already had a crash landing.


  1. Haven't stopped by the blog in awhile, and had many posts to catch up on! I love what you've put together. Mom and I will have to come visit and take you for a lunch date! Hope all is well. Thinking of you often! :)

  2. Found your blog by accident when looking for images of vintage washing machines on Google. Surprisingly enough, live just down from McKinney! Next time I'm there, I'm stopping by.
