Friday, August 26, 2011

A Blogging Backseat

Our blog has taken a backseat to life lately. I used to post regularly on another personal blog... years ago - now it seems. Friends frequently say "I sure miss reading your blog, " or they ask, "Why don't you blog anymore?" I quickly answer... "Life happened."

Computer time is now a precious commodity to me... as a busy wife, mom, daughter, and friend. Some days my laptop screen may not even see the light of day. As I sit typing now, my 6 year old plays a video game, my 3 year old naps, and I was just informed that the baby is now "crawling over to you, Mom."

I have refrained from becoming "friends" with any of you in FaceBook. I am one of the three remaining people in the universe that has not taken the FB plunge yet. I know myself too well.... It will become a thorn in my side if I open an account. Maybe someday... but for now, I will just have to be "friends" the old fashioned way... through email!

I enjoy writing here.... letting you all know about the fun that we are having in Booth 58. But there are times when Blogger might feel neglected....due to unforeseen ER visits, broken air conditioners, another ear infection, and just an overall tired mama. I'll be back... Just be patient.

1 comment:

  1. Just discovered you. I plan to get down to McKinney later this week and will certainly look you up. I by paint at Smittens.
