Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Rules - Part 1

According to Mr. 58, there are garage sale rules.  I treasure hunted with him two mornings this weekend.  On Friday, Mom watched my little sweeties so that Dad and I could venture out alone and that's when I began to get "schooled" in Garage Sales 101.

#1  Hit the road early
"All the good stuff will be gone!"
With our coffee cups in hand, we were bumping down the road in the Big Red Truck bright and early.  Mr. 58 would have preferred earlier, but I couldn't get the ol' cobwebs dusted out quick enough.

#2  Know your route
"Don't back track.  It wastes time."
Dad researches the sales the night before and has a plan before he pulls out of the drive way.  If he sees a new sign pop up along the planned route, he says, "Stop now... Don't waste time and try to come back to it later.  Back tracking wastes good huntin' time."

#3  Play the numbers game
"It's all a big numbers game.  The more sales you hit, the more likely you will find treasures."
We try to hit as many sales as possible each day.  Don't get discouraged after a few bum sales... keep going!  Miss Mustard Seed helped us coin a phrase - "drive bys"(yard sales that aren't worth getting out of the car for).  We had several of those too.  Dad has a harder time judging the sale from the street and he wanted to stop at more than I did.  I stayed in the truck for a few and let him go scout it out.  I was right... they should have been "drive bys" - There we go again, Dad... wastin' good huntin' time.  Dad,  I'm a quick learner....You know me, always an "A" student..... You should have trusted your student!

Come back later for "The Rules - Part 2!"  There is more to learn!

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