Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Constant Seller

Our biggest seller .... empty frames.  Yep, I said empty.  The older, the better!  We have found some jewels while out junkin'... and yet another hard thing to part with.  I have a stash that I have collected over the years.  Hubby has been sweet to put up with my quirky decorating .... "It's empty, Honey," he says... "I know... Isn't it beautiful?"

Have noticed some cute ideas for these frames recently:

Find full post on this here

Wow...Look at this fancy one!  Haven't had one this elaborate yet.  Go to The Nester to read more about this one.

Our frames sell quick in Booth 58.  Can't seem to keep them stocked.  Come by and see what we are talking about!

1 comment:

  1. So True- The old frames are just beautiful empty layerd with stuff in them or made into corkboards-Just so much charch. in each one..
    Thanks for sharing- Great BLOG
