Wednesday, November 23, 2011

It's all about the smalls.

Smalls... That's what we call the small things we sell... Not furniture or big ticket items... Just the fun little stuff that sits around and makes things pretty.... it all adds character.

Notice my fave pick from a few weekends ago... the vintage cocktail shaker... never seen one of those.
Smalls is what we sell the most of.  It's fun to go junkin and find these little treasures and then see them go to happy new homes.  This month, I had fun picking up lots of new ones for the booth... cleaned them up in my kitchen, tagged them, and then put them in the booth right away.  Most of these pictured have already sold!  That's the fun part!

Happy Turkey Day to you all.  There are lots of big things to be thankful for this year... but the small things are the things mean the most... right?  Today, I'm thankful for 6 little feet that I can hear pitter patter upstairs, 3 new trees that a special someone planted outside my window, and 1 pretty turkey mug that holds my coffee right now.  God is good all the time.

What "smalls" are you most grateful for this Thanksgiving?  Don't overlook them!
"Sometimes its the smallish things that take up the most room in our hearts". 
Winnie the Pooh

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