Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday at the Mall

Have lots of shopping to do still?  Don't want to get in and out on this cold wet day?  Antique Company Mall in McKinney is just the spot for you!  You only have to get out in the rain once... and enter into our 'junkin' paradise'!  Shoppers have been known to spend hours with us. 

Lots of Moving at the Mall this Monday.  Moving booths around seem to cause a domino affect in the ACM.  When one person moves, it seems like lots happens.  Come by and see everyone's new looks!

I added some of these little bags of "Booth 58 Chalk" this weekend....  Buy it all in one place... and check someone off your list!
Nancy from Ella Elaine has a new booth in the front of the store.... If you are Ella Elaine fans, you must come soon to see what she has done with her new space!

Not many pictures this Monday... was too busy moving to lug the camera around.  Next week I am planning on giving you a tour... Come back to see.

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