Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday at the Mall

We have some serious Booth Envy.

You know who I am talking about... Nancy Schwalls from Uncommon Goods.... some know her as "Colorado Nancy."  A sweet down to earth lady.  We've enjoyed getting to know her and now being her "back booth neighbor."

You can find her booth in the front of the store directly across from the cash register.  At the moment she has a whole tree growing in there... bursting with springtime buds.  That tree is what pushed Mrs. 58 and me over into the Envy category... It is super cool! 

She also has a booth at the top of the front stairs ... always packed with cool stuff.

Nancy recently had some business cards printed and I spotted them in her booth.  Her slogan/tag line for her business made me laugh out loud..."rusty, crusty, and dusty collector"
Isn't that great?  Great summary of her collections! 

 Come by ACM and check out what Nancy has in her rusty corner today!  There is always something that will make you look twice. 

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