Thursday, April 26, 2012

A Good Problem?

Over the past two years, we have consistently run into a problem: 
We find things we just can't part with. 
Not everything we buy while out "junkin" ends up in the booth. 
Alot of it stays home with us.

 Alot of it gets tagged and calls Booth 58 home for a bit, but then it somehow ends up back home again.
Alot of it never even got a chance to enter the doors of ACM.
And then there are those things that really never belonged in an antique store... like Sister's new fave find.  You just never know what you are gonna find!

I noticed two new plates hanging in my friend Melanie's kitchen last week.  They looked awfully similar to two plates she has in her upstairs ACM booth... I asked her about them, and she confessed, "I bought four of them recently... and only two of them made it to the booth."

So good to hear we aren't the only ones who suffer from this "good problem!"  Who knew we'd have this much fun "working"?!?!

1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean!
    I even have price tags hanging
    on the pillows on my sofa.
    I guess I need to admit to myself that some items never are going to make it to ACM...
