Monday, May 28, 2012

Monday at the Mall

Have you noticed ACM's new mascot?   He is quite patriotic on this Memorial Day Monday - isn't he?

There is a cool story behind our eagle.  This is actually a "celebrity" eagle.  If you are an American Pickers fan, you might recognize him.  Mike and Frank found him while out pickin' in Kansas.  To be exact... "middle of no-where" Kansas.  After trying with all their might, they could not talk the owner of this fine eagle down to a price of their liking.... they went home without him.

SO... how did this beautiful bird make our front stoop his perch?  Well, our very own Diane Haight... owner of ACM... while out pickin' in "middle of no-where" Kansas, stumbled across Mr. Eagle.  And guess what... SHE could talk down the price.  NOW that is a true American Picker! 

Come by and meet our eagle soon.  You never know when another great American Picker will stroll by and take him home.  Maybe it is you!

1 comment:

  1. What a storied bird! Love Diane's skills - I need to shop with her!

    Happy Memorial Day ~Sarah
