Friday, June 1, 2012

Sand Bucket List

Well, the first day of summer is only half way over... and this mama is one tired lady already!  We've pulled out the slippin' slide,  gone to the park, said "I'm bored" two times, ate Chick-fil-A, gone bowling, watched Dumbo, had two scrapped knees, made it through one big sibling quarrel, and now we are in our first quiet/rest time in our rooms.... we'll see how long that lasts.  (maybe long enough for me to get this post published at least!)  I learned last summer that structure is much better than 'free play' for my little ones.  But I also learned that more structure means more work for Mama. 

Saw this cute book at Barnes and Nobles ... Fun ideas.  Also have seen lots of moms with crafty/creative ideas how to make their own "Sand Bucket List" on Pinterest.... listing out the things they want to do with their kids this summer.  I've made a mental "Sand Bucket List" - but I dare not write it all down... Big Brother might read it and nag gently remind me of my fun list every waking moment. 

Do you have a Sand Bucket List this summer?  Make sure you put visiting Antique Company Mall in Downtown McKinney on it! 

1 comment:

  1. Visiting the ACM is definitely on my list! I am a teacher and today was our last day of school - bittersweet. I can't wait to revisit your mall; I went last summer for the first time and it was amazing! Y'all have great stuff. Enjoy your summer plans!
