Thursday, September 27, 2012

Makin' Stuff and Oktoberfest

Tis the Season to MAKE STUFF!!!

 We've decided that the past few weeks have been the start to the holiday season.... lots of customers are buying our handmade stuff.   We're busy makin' stuff... trying to keep up with the fall goodies... but also anticipating Christmas.

Heading out on a buying trip this week.... And then we hope to add a "Here Comes Christmas Corner" to the booth.  Just a small preview of all the Holiday Happys that are on the way!!!

One 'shout out' for some fellow crafters who are makin' cute stuff!!.... Paper Cowgirl is a fun group of ladies who do wonderful retreats and events... Their fall event "Something Wicked" is coming up October 12-13.  Check out their website for more information.

One more thing!
Are you planning on joining us for Downtown McKinney's Oktoberfest this weekend?  It will be fun... Plan on coming up, having a brat, listening to some music, and doing some shopping at our street fair... ACM Vendors will be set up outside of the mall with lots of vintage goodness.  Then come inside where the a/c will be goodness!

 (Booth 58 won't be setting up outside this year... just in our normal spot inside.. with that good a/c!)

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