Thursday, September 20, 2012

What's new?

We brought Thanksgiving into Booth 58 this weekend. 

 It seems like Thanksgiving gets the short end of the stick now a days... especially in retail world.   We are trying to make sure Booth 58 gives thanks for at least a couple weeks before the Christmas merriment begins to take place.... oh so soon...

Yep, that's right, we will be bringing Christmas in soon.  We heard our first Christmas carol on Saturday as we made a Hobby Lobby run.. Little Brother found a singing Rudolph and made sure he tried it out.... It worked - loud and clear!  (I am not ready for Christmas carols quite yet - I'm kind of funny about that - are you?)  Later, we had a crafting party and created some new goodness for the booth.  Can't wait to show you.  But not too soon!  We must remember to be thankful first!!! 

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