Thursday, December 13, 2012

Banner Fun

 Still selling lots of banners... burlap and shipping tag banners.

Found this shop on Etsy with great photos using her banners..... Such cute ideas!  And a real photographer took this photo FOR SURE... read on to see why I say that...
I tried this with my kids on Sunday. I made a "thank you" banner for the booth, but held it back to try this out. We were all dressed ready for church so I said, "Come on kids... Follow me to the back yard so we can take this quick picture... It will be a piece of cake." Yeah, right!
 Taking one picture with three kids is never a piece of cake... And then I added a banner made of paper on a breezy morning! This is why I am NOT a photographer!

Big Brother and Sister were willing to make it work... but it was quite comical as we were waiting for the perfect moment to take the picture without the "thank you" flapping in the wind.... and at that point Little Mr. 58 had lost complete interest and was driving his tractor around the yard.....

 Oh well, I will try again another time... We all got a great laugh out of it. 

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