Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday at the Mall

Just got home from sneaking up to Antique Company Mall for a few minutes. We have had quite a few chilly days this weekend.  Feels more like the winter we have all been waiting for .... I pulled out the winter coats again... they were already buried under the flip flops.  

Front window
Little Mr. 58 and Sister and I rolled through the ACM quickly to pick our fave sights for this Monday at the Mall post.....I was looking for things that looked like spring... something "fresh." 
Betty's new table setting screams spring!  beautiful!

One of Carolyn's Easter vignettes

Booth 58 peat pots

Melanie's scale with eggs
John's "time for spring" spot

Shannon's garden friends

This booth upstairs caught my eye several times recently.  
Nancy's butterfly wreath

And, we have to close with one more corner in Booth 58. 

Stay Warm!

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