Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday at the Mall

Hooray... Hooray!!  School Starts Today! 

I have a third grader and a kindergartener this year.  We all packed up, took those important "first day" photos, and headed to school.  The house is a lot quieter.... and this mama has a list a mile long... the "Once the Kids are Back in School List"... Anyone else have one of those?

I'll start with a Monday at the Mall post.... I haven't highlighted many other vendors lately and there  are a bunch.  The mall has been seeing lots of changes.... So many wonderful booths!
Last week the kids and I explored upstairs at ACM.  They always beg to go up there.... There is always something fun to find....Tons of new dealers up there.... tons of cool stuff.... Here are a few of the goodies we spotted:

 Come see for yourself... There is so much to see at ACM today!

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