Thursday, August 19, 2010

So Long Summer

What are you doing to say "So Long Summer"?  One last trip to the lake?  Catching a baseball game?  Tax free back to school shopping?  Or just staying in the a/c? 
We're packing away our pool floaties and pulling out our new backpacks around here..... Filling our new pencil box and counting our crayons and markers....  

Speaking of pencil boxes.... look at this fun surprise Mom found while junkin' last week.... This old cigar box was one of her finds, and when she got home she discovered it was full of treasures... baby photos, class pictures, letters, newspaper clippings... all from the 1920's and 30's.  You just never know what you'll  find! 
If you're looking for something to do this weekend for one last summer "hurrah", go meander through the Antique Company Mall in McKinney... Who knows what you will find!

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