Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Time 4 School

This morning as I fluffed our cluttered corner at ACM a bit, I added a white creamer with bright yellow pencils and wrote on a little chalkboard "Time 4 School."  A beach theme still sticks around our booth, but my mind is onto a new season.... Back to School!
I sent my first little one off to kindergarten this week.  What a milestone!  I even made it through Monday morning with only a  few tears.  Big day for our family.  Our little guy seems like a big man now... This mama is proud!
His biggest discovery to share on day one :  "Mom, guess what....  If you don't bring your lunch from home, you can buy your lunch in the cafeteria!  The boy that bought his lunch today got a corndog... Can you believe that???  But he had peas on his plate too, so I think I would rather you keep packing my lunch."

I asked Mom to share a few of her "vintage" back to school memories.... 
Peggy's school day memories from 1958...In the second grade little girls wore handmade or hand-me-down dresses and leather shoes with straps. I always longed for brown leather penny loafer, just like the big girls.
And the blisters.... new shoes rub the back of your heels and I remember the Band-Aids..it took weeks to break in those new shoes.
My lunch box was the same shape as you imagine construction workers carry. It was painted like a little red roofed cottage and the thermos, which had real glass, was held in the roof part with a little hinge.
Inside Mom would tuck a bologna sandwich, some potato sticks (that came in a can), and a cookie all wrapped in wax paper. On Mondays I might get a cold fried chicken leg instead of a sandwich. Mom could make one chicken cooked for Sunday dinner stretch a long way!

Now, I am off to carpool line.... Eager to hear about what new discovery today brings!

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