Thursday, September 22, 2011

One of our Constants

One of Booth 58's "constants"or "standbys" is chalkboards.  We always have several in our corner.  Mr. 58 does an awesome job of keeping them coming!  Our first sell in our upstairs booth, many moons ago, was a red chalkboard.  Mom and I had just finished setting up our little bitty inventory for the first time....We were new to this whole thing.  We had no idea what we were we were proud of this first accomplishment:   " The red chalkboard just makes it all come together!" 

A lady immediatly walked over to the chalkboard and picked it up.  I thought I might just cry right then.  Mom reminded me that we want to sell things.  It isn't just about staging a cute vignette.    If you are attached to something, keep it for yourself (like this scale... I don't think I can part with it yet!)

Mrs. 58 has struck up many a conversation with new friends while "fluffing."   Recently, a young lady mentioned that she has always loved our chalkboards, but she wasn't real sure what to do with one in her house. 

Some of our thoughts.... menus, grocery lists, kids rooms, love notes, fun quotes....I keep one in my kitchen with verses that I want to keep at the front of my mind in the middle of my busy days.
(From Old Painted Cottage... I've always loved this chalkboard wall Jennifer has between her living and dining rooms.. Cool!)
Jennifer at The Old Painted Cottage  had a wonderful post full of insipration for "chalkboarding."

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