Monday, June 18, 2012

Monday at the Mall

Missed our Monday at the Mall last week.... we were taking a break, hanging out with the fam.
Back to it today as we visit our Booth 58 "Neighbor" at Antique Company Mall.... Barbara Smith.  We got to hang out with her this weekend as we both "fluffed" our booths.  She is a fun neighbor to have! 

Barbara's front window beach cottage look is gorgeous right now.  Mom and I decided that we could curl up with a book and just spend the day in her booth... it is so peaceful, relaxing, and bright.  Just beautiful. 

Love the hammock that she hung over her booth.  She has wanted a hammock for a while.... she found this vintage one on a recent buying trip on her way home from Indiana.  Dad joked all day about going to stretch out for a nap in it! 

The ACM is quite "beachy" right now... Come up and see for yourself.  Happy Monday.

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