Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Where the Magic Happens

We've been at the farm with Mr. and Mrs. 58 celebrating their birthdays this week.  It's always great getting to go there and just relax in the country.  Lots of playing with cousins, swimming, picking veggies from the garden, and we even did some junkin' while we were there. 

We know how to party.... balloon in one hand and lollypop in other....

Mrs. 58's pink flamingo pinata... She even took the first swing! 
 Dad gave me a tour of his "Booth 58 Workshop" to show me some of the fun he has been working on. Big Brother helped paint some of our newest additions this week.  Can't wait for you to see some of this in the booth real soon... like tomorrow!  They are heading this way with the red truck packed to the brim...AND we have a shopping trip planned for Friday morning too. 

Granddaddy pulling the red wagon filled with grandkids to visit the workshop... where the "magic happens!"  Pretty impressive operation - right?

Make plans to come up to Antique Company Mall to see what we have found.  Early bird gets the worm! 

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