Monday, July 16, 2012

Monday at the Mall

Sorry for no Monday at the Mall last week... I was spending Monday on the Road... coming home from visiting grandparents at the lake. 

Today... we will look at our "Uncommon Neighbor...." - Nancy Schwalls of Uncommon Goods.  She just extended her booth and it looks great!  Remember when I told you we had serious booth envy... we still do!
 Nancy's collection is one of the first that you will see as you enter ACM.  And a great intro it is!
 I love Nancy's slogan ... "Rusty... crusty...and dusty collector".... funny!  All cool stuff.  And her arrangement of things is so unique.  She definitely thinks out of the box with her staging.

See Booth 58 on the other side of her booth?  We share a wall along the length of our whole booth.  She is a great neighbor to have.  Come in and see Nancy's new space soon.

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