Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Show and Tell

Ok... I'm gonna brag a bit and show and tell about some of the things we have been up to:
Mrs. 58 has been making these little - simple- banners... Simple is the key here.  just a word on plain tags... and they have been popular.  Customers like simple.

I've made several of these chalkboard tables/desks.  This one is a vintage fold-up style desk.  Another simple idea... a place for the kids to draw or a spot to leave your to-do list.
And our biggest seller right now:  Mr. 58's chicken wire frames. I have one in my kitchen that I clip the kids' latest artwork on. 


  1. Oh my goodness those chicken wire frames look awesome! What a unique and cute idea.

  2. What great ideas, I can see why they're popular. I keep saying I'm going to turn some of my window frames into chicken wire frames, but they're still just sitting there.
