Last week Mom and Dad gave me the greatest gift... the gift of time and busy hands! While Mom played trucks with Little Mr. 58, Dad and I got started on a project that has been on my to-do list for over a year.
I have been wanting to paint my grandmother's hutch for some time now. It is really a nice piece of furniture, but the finish on it wasn't my favorite. We have heard about Annie Sloan Chalkpaint for a long time, and we've always wanted to try it out. We purchased the paint a while back... we read countless blogs with the "how tos"... and then as life has a tendency of getting craaazzy around here.... we were never able to carve out the time to get it done! It seems like my days quickly vanish with all of our junkin' and fluffin' for Booth 58.... on top of all my cookin', cleanin', and carpoolin'! On a whim, we decided that we would get this done tomorrow!
Friends - we have seen the light! We get it now.....This Chalkpaint is really amazing stuff! Virtually no prepping or priming... just painting. It goes on beautifully and our favorite part was how well it works when you distress it. We had that whole hutch painted, distressed, and waxed in 3 hours! It killed me to have to wait 24 hours to do the second coat of wax and then to put my treasures on it. But I was a good girl and it was worth the wait!
On Saturday, we watched as customer after customer came into
ACM to buy their own Chalkpaint from Karla's new
LadyButterbug booth. This stuff is popular. I talked to several of them and heard about their plans ... painting a daughter's bedroom furniture.... redoing kitchen cabinets.... and lots of "I don't know yet, but I have heard a lot about this paint!"
Even Mr. 58 headed back up to ACM to buy more for some of his projects this week. Karla has examples of all the colors and waxes too. We used the Paris Grey with clear and dark waxes. I want to try them all now!